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„Góry bez barier”- co dalej?

Pod takim hasłem odbyła się konferencja zorganizowana przez Fundację Pogranicze Bez Barier, Park Narodowy Gór Stołowych oraz Polskie Towarzystwo Turystyczno – Krajoznawcze. W dniach 26 -27 kwietnia 2019 r. w Karłowie dyskutowano na temat możliwości i znaczenia uprawiania turystyki...


Last weekend our Foundation was visited by Pehr-Johan Fager from Sweden, the CEO of Zoomability. This company is the producer and seller of Zoom Uphill, the electrical wheelchair for the disabled and people who have difficulties moving. This wheelchair...

Accessible tourism.

Our Foundation together with the Association for the Culture KANTATA from Żory got funds for enhancing accessibility for the tourism of the disabled people. This project will be financed by the Ministry of Sport and Tourism from the “Programme...


We hosted partners of our strategic partnership project of Erasmus+ “Disability Youth Worker” last Monday and Tuesday of February. Thanks to the courtesy of the Chamber of Crafts for Small and Medium Enterprises from Katowice we had a room...

VIP-TECH-JOB – easy access to job market.

VIP and new technologies: easy access to job market (VIP-TECH-JOB)aims to empower young visually impaired people in their quest to find a job through social media and prepare them for a job interview via online and offline trainings. This...

VIEWS Intenational

Our Foundation has become a member of VIEWS International. This is an international network of 23 countries with a registered seat in Belgium. Its aim is the activation of young people visually impaired or sighted and engaging them in...